Published June 14, 2019 by

Restrict users to send mails to certain domains in Zimbra Mail server

This article, I have been explained how to restrict users to send emails to certain users or domains in the Zimbra mail server.

Do the following activity as Zimbra user.

1. Open file /opt/zimbra/conf/zmconfigd/ and add this line at the top.
 check_sender_access lmdb:/opt/zimbra/conf/restricted_senders  

2. Open file /opt/zimbra/conf/ and Find the section labeled SECTION mta and enter the following two lines directly below
 POSTCONF  smtpd_restriction_classes   local_only  
 POSTCONF  local_only                 FILE  

3. Create a file "/opt/zimbra/conf/" and add the folloeing line
 check_recipient_access lmdb:/opt/zimbra/conf/local_domains, reject  

4. Create a file "/opt/zimbra/conf/restricted_senders" and list all the users, whom you want to restrict. Follow this syntax:      local_only  

If you would like to restrict all users of a domain, enter the domain name instead of email ids. For example:      local_only  

5. Create a file "/opt/zimbra/conf/local_domains" and list all the domains where "restricted users" allowed to sent emails.           OK   OK  

6. Finally, Run below commands for implement
 postmap /opt/zimbra/conf/restricted_senders  
 postmap /opt/zimbra/conf/local_domains   
 zmmtactl stop   
 zmmtactl start  

Please try to sending email to allowed domain and not allowed domain. If you insert new user on number 4 or new domain on number 5, don’t forget to run again number 6.

Undo this configuration

Remove Step 2

and run below commands:
 postconf -e smtpd_restriction_classes=' '  
 zmmtactl reload  

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Published June 07, 2019 by

How to Take Backup of Zimbra Mail Server

Below shell script is a take a backup of you all email accounts in Zimbra
 # Zimbra backup script for open source edition #  
 BACKUP_DATE=`date +%G-%m-%d_%H-%M`   
 # set default option is 0 (unset)  
   # verbose option is turn on  
   if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then  
     echo $1  
   cat << EOF  
 zmbackup: zmbackup [-o path] -a|-u mailbox  
   log "start backup mailbox $mbox"  
   if [ ! -z $2 ]; then  
     $ZIMBRA_BIN/zmmailbox -z -m $mbox getRestURL "//?fmt=tgz" > $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$2/$mbox-$BACKUP_DATE.tgz  
     log "backup mailbox $mbox successful"  
     log "backup to $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$2"  
     $ZIMBRA_BIN/zmmailbox -z -m $mbox getRestURL "//?fmt=tgz" > $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$mbox-$BACKUP_DATE.tgz   
     log "backup mailbox $mbox successful"  
     log "backup to $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR"  
   log "search domain"  
   domains=`$ZIMBRA_BIN/zmprov gad`  
   for domain in $domains; do  
     log "start backup domain $domain"   
     # get all accounts from domain  
     mboxs=`$ZIMBRA_BIN/zmprov -l gaa $domain`  
     # check directory if -o is set  
     mkdir -p $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$domain  
     # fetch account in tgz format  
     for mbox in $mboxs; do  
 #      $ZIMBRA_BIN/zmmailbox -z -m $mbox getRestURL "//?fmt=tgz" > $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$domain/$mbox-$BACKUP_DATE.tgz  
       backup_mailbox $mbox $domain  
     # pack mailbox in domain  
     cd $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$domain  
     tar czf $domain-$BACKUP_DATE.tgz `ls`  
     mv $domain-$BACKUP_DATE.tgz $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR  
     rm -rf $ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR/$domain  
     log "backup domain $domain successful"  
 # Option  
 # zmbackup [-ah] [-u mailbox] [-o path]   
 while getopts :aho:u:v OPTION; do  
   case $OPTION in  
     a )  
     h )  
     o )  
       if [ -z $OPTARG ]; then  
         echo "-o option must specific path"  
         exit 1  
         ZIMBRA_BACKUP_DIR=${OPTARG:0:${#OPTARG}-1} # substring from 0 to strlen - 1  
     u )   
       if [ -z $OPTARG ]; then  
         echo "-u option must specific mailbox"  
     v )  
     # other option doesn't match  
     * )  
       exit 1  
 # if not specific -a or -u it error and exit the script  
 if [ -z $UFLAG ] && [[ $AFLAG -ne 1 ]]; then  
   echo "you must specific -a or -u option"  
   exit 1  
 # if UFLAG has value but AFLAG is used  
 if [ ! -z $UFLAG ] && [[ $AFLAG -eq 1 ]]; then  
   echo "use -a or -u"  
   exit 1  
 # if declare UFLAG  
 elif [ ! -z $UFLAG ]; then  
   backup_mailbox $UFLAG  
 # if AFLAG on  
 if [[ $AFLAG -eq 1 ]]; then  

For taking a backup run this above script with -a parameter
 ./ -a  

the backup file is stored in /opt/zimbra/backup
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Published June 07, 2019 by

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Zimbra Mail Server

Using Below command we can forcefully redirect all HTTP request to HTTPS in Zimbra Mail Server.

 # su - zimbra  
 # zmprov ms zimbraReverseProxyMailMode redirect  
 # zmcontrol restart  


 # su – zimbra  
 # zmtlsctl redirect  
 # zmcontrol restart  

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Published June 06, 2019 by

Install Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu or Debian

Rocket Chat is the leading open source team chat software solution. Free, unlimited and completely customizable with on-premises and SaaS cloud hosting.

You can consider rocket chat as an alternative to Skype and Slack chat solutions.

In this tutorial, we are learning how to install rocket chat on Ubuntu or Debian and configure let's encrypt SSL also we discuss how to take backup Rocket chat server.

Install Rocket chat Server

1. Update the system.
 sudo apt-get update  

2. Install snap if it is not installed.
 sudo apt-get install snapd  

3. Install Rocket Chat
 sudo snap install rocketchat-server  

4. Check if Rocket Chat is running
 sudo service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server status  

Then browse to http://localhost:3000 and setup Rocket Chat Server. 

Setup NGINX with Reverse Proxy and SSL

5. Install Nginx and enabled to start automatically on reboot
 sudo apt install nginx  
 sudo systemctl start nginx  
 sudo systemctl enable nginx  
6. Set up NGINX Reverse Proxy

Remove the default site
 sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default  

Create /etc/nginx/sites-available/rocketchat.conf file.
 vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/rocketchat.conf  

add the necessary values to point to your domain name and to add the reverse proxy. Replace with your actual domain name.
 server {  
   listen 80;  
   location / {  
     proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;  

Enable the new configuration by creating a link to it from /etc/nginx/sites-available/
 sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/rocketchat.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/  

Test the configuration and reload the new configuration
 sudo nginx -t  
 sudo nginx -s reload  

7. Generate SSL certificates using Certbot
 sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx  
 sudo certbot --nginx  

Certbot will ask for information about the site. The responses will be saved as part of the certificate also Certbot will also ask if you would like to automatically redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS traffic. It is recommended that you select this option.

Again Test the configuration and reload the new configuration
 sudo nginx -t  
 sudo nginx -s reload  

Then browse to and setup Rocket Chat Server. 
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