The LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym LAMP came from the first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PHP/Perl/Python.
1 Install Apache
Apache is an open-source multi-platform web server. It provides a full range of web server
To install Apache
# sudo yum update
# sudo yum install httpd
Enable and Start Apache
# sudo systemctl start httpd.service
# sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
Test Apache
2 Install MySQL
Enable MySQL YUM repository
Start MySQL
At installing time MySQL by default set the root password. Using below command finds the MySQL root password
Configure MySQL
For Centos/RedHat
# rpm -Uvh For Ferdora # rpm -Uvh |
Install MySQL Server
MySQL 8.0
For CentOS, RedHat
# yum --enablerepo=mysql80-community install mysql-community-server
For Fedora
# dnf --enablerepo=mysql80-community install mysql-community-server
MySQL 5.7
For CentOS, RedHat
# yum install mysql-community-server
For Fedora
# dnf install mysql-community-server
Start MySQL
# systemctl start mysqld.service
At installing time MySQL by default set the root password. Using below command finds the MySQL root password
# grep "A temporary password" /var/log/mysqld.log
Configure MySQL
# mysql_secure_installation
Connect to MySQL
# mysql -u root -p
Check MySQL version
# mysql -v
3 Install PHP
Install PHP by using the following command
# sudo yum install php php-mysql
Test your PHP version
# php -v
To test PHP, create a sample “testphp.php” file in Apache document root folder.
# sudo vim /var/www/html/testphp.php
Add the following lines
Restart apache2 service
# sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
Navigate to http://server-ip-address/testphp.php. It will display all the details about php such as version, build date and commands etc.
4 Install phpMyAdmin
Add the EPEL Repository
# rpm -iUvh
Install phpMyAdmin
# yum update
# yum install phpmyadmin
Configuration phpMyAdmin
# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
By default, the configuration for phpMyAdmin only allows access from the server on which it is installed. Find the following sections and change each IP address to your public IP, or another IP address that will be connecting to phpMyAdmin remotely:
Require ip
Allow from
Require ip
Allow from
Restart apache2 service.
# sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
Access phpMyAdmin Web Console